Turning Negative Self-talk Upside Down & Inside Out-Workshop, Feb. 7/17
Turning Negative Self-talk Upside Down and Inside Out. Waypoint Counselling is putting on a workshop through the Monterey Centre, Feb. 7, 2017.
Negative Self-Talk can Change
Negative self-talk, those conversations people have in their heads, can undermine our moods, affect our choices and
impact our relationships.
In this workshop, you will discover;
- how to identify negative self-talk
- recognizing negative thinking patterns,
- learning about your specific “style of thinking that contributes to negative self-talk
- discover a strategy on how to break these patterns–
- replacing them with more positive and realistic thinking.
In this presentation, you will be introduced to the basic principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). You will learn how to respond and interrupt negative self-talk patterns, using concrete tools, strategies and techniques.
Also, a brief introduction to the basic principles and practices of Mindfulness. Mindfulness, by definition, is the practice of being completely in-the-moment. Sounds easy? Well, it is a skill that likely will require most folks to practice. The hardest part of mindfulness, is that we tend to get filled up with thoughts….all kinds of thoughts…what to do next, who to call or talk to, trying not to forget to reply to an email or text.
Our digital worlds are increasingly becoming faster and faster, drawing people away from truly being in-the-moment.
Why mindfulness? The short answer is that the scientific research and evidence of it’s benefits are rather compelling. Generally speaking, practicing mindfulness can help reduce anxieties, stresses, improve mood and increase energy.
Also, the practices of Mindfulness are a strong antidote to negative self-talk. Considering that, by definition, mindfulness is about being completely present in “the-now”, the moment. If this practice is done well, then one cannot be forming and listening to any self-talk if they are attending to being present and aware of the moment.
This is a long way of saying the at the combination between Cogntive Behavioural Therapy, which assists in noticing and interruptive distorted self-talk, with Mindfulness based practices, could be a helpful way of copying with any anxieties, stresses and moods.