5 Tips for Professional Women to have a Relaxing Holiday

5 Tips for Professional Women to have a Relaxing Holiday

As the countdown to the holidays approaches, the stress and demands can increase – especially for professional women juggling work and family. Amidst all the festive chaos, let’s pull out some great tips on creating a stress-free and enjoyable season. Because, at the end of the day, taking care of your mental health is like…

Find a Couples Counsellor

Find a Couples Counsellor

Don’t wait to seek help It can feel stressful seeking out couples counselling but don’t put it off.  Issues and conflicts in a relationship tend to only get worse if left unaddressed.  What may seem like a small irritation or concern at first can fester and grow into a bigger problem that then complicate things…

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Online Workshop

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Online Workshop

Online CBT Workshop Are you or someone you know struggling with negative thoughts and feelings that are affecting overall well-being?  We are offering “Resetting Your Mind”, a 60 minute online workshop on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to learn how negative thoughts can impact your mental health and ways to change these thought patterns.  During the…

Counselling for Teachers in BC

Counselling for Teachers in BC

The start of the school year can be a stressful time for teachers. But did you know that teachers in BC under the BCTF contract have more access to mental health counselling?  Through a recent ratified agreement, members of the BC Teachers Federation (BCTF) can access Registered Clinical Counsellors through their benefit plans. This is…

Finding the Right Counsellor

Finding the Right Counsellor

Making the decision to go to counselling is not an easy one.  Whether it be for stress, anxiety, depression, relationship challenges or any other reason, reaching out is not always easy. But once you decide to take that step, what can be even more daunting is how to choose a counsellor that is right for…