Marriage Counselling: When and How
Marriage Counselling:
Marriage counselling is something that many couples eventually think about. The first thing to know – is that seeking marriage counselling is not a sign of trouble. In fact, being open to the idea of getting help is a sign of insight, and a desire to make a relationship stronger.
Seeking advice and coaching in your marriage should always start from a position of being strength-based. Well, what does that mean? It means rather than beginning by focusing on the negatives and the problems in a marriage or common-in-law relationship, it is better to pause and reflect on the strengths. What brought you and your partner together? What common interests do you have? What makes you laugh together? When looking back at your early time in the relationship, what brought you together?
Communication issues:
Most counsellors in BC will say that communication issues are a common problem among couples. Sometimes it is not just the words that are used, but the tone and the body language. Communication is a two-way street. Through dialogue and practice, you and your partner can learn how to not only communicate what you need but how to listen to what the other is saying. At Waypoint Counselling, we will help you learn strategies to practice in between therapy sessions to learn helpful ways to listen and respond to each other.
How to start:
At Waypoint Counselling and Referral Centre, many of our team members have expertise in couples counselling. We offer a complimentary 30 minute session for any of our counsellors so you can meet with the therapist of your choice and see if they are the right “fit” before you begin your counselling sessions. Not sure who to select? Then contact us and ask to speak with George Bielay, our Clinical Director. He will help you determine who the best counsellor can be for your issues and style. Again, you can book into a complimentary session before beginning the sessions. At Waypoint, we know that the right “fit” between an individual or couple and their counsellor is the strongest factor in good outcomes.