Family Counselling in Greater Victoria, Vancouver, or Kelowna or online anywhere

Families seek counselling for a wide range of issues that include concerns about addictions, behavioural problems, communication, special needs, and grief and loss.

Many Waypoint counsellors have specific expertise and training in family counselling. The approach will vary for each family and the issues they are facing. Sometimes, all family members will participate in a counselling session, while in other situations, family members are seen individually or in small groups at various stages of the therapy. Your counsellor will discuss with you different options and work with you to determine the best approach.

Your counsellor will also take time to get to know what is important to you and our family, your strengths and challenges, and get to know a bit of your family history. This is an important step in developing an approach that all members can trust and feel comfortable with.

We welcome your questions about family counselling. And we have counsellors available in Greater Victoria, Vancouver, Kelowna or online via phone, text or secure video so we can support you as a parent wherever you are located.

All of our counsellors offer sessions by phone or online with a secure video link.

Family Counselling for New Parents

Beginning the journey of parenthood is a very exciting time…and it can also be a bit overwhelming. Many new parents attend prenatal classes, read books and join online discussions of what it means to become a parent. But nothing really prepares you for the many changes in your day to day life, the changes to your relationship and the daily physical exhaustion that many new parents experience. It is not uncommon for couples to experience a significant amount of stress due to the demands of parenthood. Feelings of resentment, confusion, sadness, and guilt are very common.

At WayPoint, we have counsellors with expertise in helping new parents work through the challenges they are facing with young children. They can also suggest many good books and other resources. While we are unable to offer child minding on site, we can offer flexible evening and weekend appointments.

Sometimes a small investment in your relationship is the most important thing you can give to your children.

Family Counsellors