Jennifer Love
, MSW, RSWRegistered Social Worker
Jennifer Love is a Registered Social Worker working in Kelowna, BC., who provides online counselling via phone or video. Jennifer works from a strength-based approach; specializes in complex trauma, sexual abuse, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, grief, and couple counselling.
As a clinical counsellor, Jennifer seeks to create a safe place where individuals can receive unconditional therapeutic support on their journey to reach their counselling goals. Jennifer strives to help individuals recognize their inner strength and way of being. Jennifer identifies as Indigenous and has worked with Indigenous communities and understands the importance of working with an Indigenous lens to work through the systemic trauma individuals and families have experienced.
Jennifer provides an accepting, inclusive and collaborative therapeutic experience and places a high value on creating safety for individuals. Jennifer understands that people possess intrinsic worth and have the capacity to make meaningful change in their lives.
Jennifer achieved her Master of Social Work through the University of Northern British Columbia and has also completed the Complex Trauma and Sexual Abuse Graduate Certificate through the Justice Institute of British Columbia.
- Master of Social Work: UNBC
- Graduate Certificate Complex Trauma and Sexual Abuse: JIBC
- Bachelor of Social Work: UNBC
Registrations and Memberships
- Registered Social Worker, #12625, B.C. College of Social Workers