Help During the Holidays

Help during the holidays
Therapy Dog Vinnie

Stress and anxiety during the holidays are very real. Amid all the cute photos and seasonal music, there are expectations and often painful memories that really make it hard for many of us to enjoy this time. Our recent post describes some ways to better manage this difficult season.

Finding the right counsellor

Many people also reach out to find a counsellor who can help them during the holidays or into the New Year. But finding the right help is not easy. Although there are many counsellors and therapists that come up on a typical Google search, it can be a daunting task to figure out which one is the right one.

At Waypoint, we understand this. We offer expert help and an understanding ear to help navigate this search. You can speak directly with our Clinical Director and describe what you are looking for and the challenges you are facing. Based on that, and our in-depth understanding of our counsellors and their areas of expertise, we then recommend the best suited counsellor.

Getting the right counsellor is very important. Research shows that the most important part of counselling is the right “fit” between a person and their therapist. The strength of this “fit” is more important than many other factors including a counsellor’s education and experience. But how to choose the right counsellor?

Counselling is highly personal. Choosing the right counsellor to begin your journey should never be left to chance. Nor should finding a counsellor be left to a computer-based survey or a long list of available counsellors. It can feel like throwing a dart at a dart board and hoping to win! Our clients much prefer to talk to a professional to find a professional. We can help you sort out whether or not a certain approach is right for you.

Our Waypoint counsellors have offices in different locations throughout the Greater Vancouver and Victoria area. We also have therapists that offer online counselling by phone or secure video. There are lots of options to help you find the right help during the holidays or at any time of year. All of our counsellors are Master’s level therapist and are registered with professional bodies such as the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors or the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Start getting the help you need

It’s easy! First – just contact us. You can call or text as well at 778-677-1960. Then, tell us about what you need. We will match you to the best counsellor and set up a free 20 or 30 minutes consultation to meet with him or her so that you can see if the “fit” is right. Then, you can start getting the support you need. We will check back with you to see if the counsellor selected worked for you!

Life is not always easy – and the holidays can really make things difficult. We are here to help.