Help in Vancouver for Anxiety

Anxiety Vancouver

Counselling for anxiety can work very well.  But while a google search in the Vancouver or anywhere in the Lower Mainland will result in a list of dozens of therapists, selecting the right counsellor is not easy.   Having the right “fit” between a person and their counsellor is the most important factor in good outcomes.  In fact, the research is clear; the fit is more important than the educational background of the therapist.

This is why most of our clients contact us directly and ask for our personal help to link them with a therapist for their unique needs.  We offer this free personalized referral service to connect people with the right “fitting” counselor to help with anxiety and many other issues.  And we will follow-up to make sure the match with the therapist works.   To learn more, check out Match me to a Therapist

People also choose their own counsellor from our team. We have a strong group of counsellors in the Vancouver and Lower Mainland area who offices in various locations. We also have counsellors that offer e-counselling by phone or secure video link. All of our therapists are Master’s level trained and are registered with a professional association such as the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors or the BC College of Social Workers. And we offer a free consult with a counsellor so a person can make sure the “fit” feels right before beginning therapy. 

How does Counselling work for Anxiety?

There are many different types of anxiety disorders (see below).  And there are successful treatment strategies that work for all of them.  The most commonly used method is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, also called “CBT”.

CBT works! It has been researched for decades and many physicians and specialists suggest their patients receive CBT. A counsellor does not need to be a psychologist to provide CBT. But a well-trained counsellor using CBT can really help a person develop the tools necessary to deal with their anxiety.

Types of Anxiety

Below are some of the many different types of anxiety – so have a read through them and think about how anxiety could be affecting your life.  Most importantly, it is important a person doesn’t try to self-diagnose themselves but reach out for help.   More information on different types of anxiety and treatment can be found at Anxiety Canada.

Panic Attacks

Panic is the most common form of anxiety.  This can feel like a sudden rush of fear. It is common to also have physical feelings and a strong need to escape the situation. In a nutshell, a person might feel like something bad is going to happen

Social Anxiety

This is an intense fear of being embarrassed when around people. It can happen when we are just with a few people or in a crowd. A person might be terrified of public speaking, blushing in public, being watched at work, and being in a crowds.  Typically, folks will really try and avoid social situations.

Specific Phobias

Phobias are basically a strong fear and need to avoid a particular thing. Often a person might know the fear is unreasonable but knowing that doesn’t change how they react. The most common fears are animals, heights, closed spaces, blood, storms , and flying.  Trying to always avoid these things can really affect a person’s life!

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops after a traumatic experience. These experiences are often violent and/or threatening.  PTSD can lead to distressing thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks, and emotional numbness.

Reaching Out for Help with Anxiety

If you or a loved one are struggling with how anxiety is affecting day-to-day life, please reach out.  This is the first step in a journey of healing.  Whether it be your doctor, a friend, a family member or us – it is an important step.  You are not alone.