Find a Counsellor in Kelowna

A google search for “Counsellors in Kelowna” will result in hundreds of websites. All of them will describe the therapist’s approach and claim to have the right approach, the right connection. But how can you really know? Asking for a recommendation from a friend can help – but not always. Because what one friend found…

Help in Vancouver for Anxiety

Counselling for anxiety can work very well.  But while a google search in the Vancouver or anywhere in the Lower Mainland will result in a list of dozens of therapists, selecting the right counsellor is not easy.   Having the right “fit” between a person and their counsellor is the most important factor in good outcomes. …

Help for Anxiety in Kelowna

Help for Anxiety in Kelowna Counselling for anxiety can work very well.  But while a google search in the Kelowna area will result in a list of dozens of therapists, selecting the right counsellor is not easy.   Having the right “fit” between a person and their counsellor is the most important factor in good outcomes. …

Help During the Holidays

Stress and anxiety during the holidays are very real. Amid all the cute photos and seasonal music, there are expectations and often painful memories that really make it hard for many of us to enjoy this time. Our recent post describes some ways to better manage this difficult season. Finding the right counsellor Many people…

Anxiety during the Holidays

For many of us, the winter holidays lead to stress and anxiety.  Below are 6 holiday triggers for anxiety and concrete ways to manage it.  At Waypoint Counselling Network, we believe that talking frankly about stress and anxiety is the first step to a experiencing a better holiday season.      Holiday Anxiety Trigger 1: Expectations…

Suicide Prevention Counsellor

Waypoint is pleased to welcome Emad Seyed Sadr to our team of counsellors in Vancouver. Emad is an experienced suicide prevention counsellor, including grief counselling and responding after a traumatic event. He offers sessions in English or French and has office space at 1638 West Broadway, in Vancouver, BC.  He also offers counselling online via…

Mental Health Counsellors in Vancouver and Burnaby

Waypoint is excited to announce three mental health counsellors joining our team in Vancouver and Burnaby. All three are Registered Clinical Counsellors with different expertise to meet the diverse needs of clients. Child and Youth Mental Health Counselling All three counsellors have specialty in working with children and youth with various mental health challenges. Karlie…